For a compelling read on these genres take the opportunity to click on one or all three of the buttons below you will not be disappointed on the journey you will embark on through the eyes of Pete Thanos' imagination.

Fearless and the Feared

The Fearless and the Feared

The Fearless and the Feared is a gritty crime thriller set in the tumultuous seventies, with Max Walsh facing off against the Mob and an upcoming Cartel.



Celeritous takes a twist on science fiction, reanimating Einstein's brain. The revelation of a dark secret in the world of 2101.

Daydreams and Nightmares

Daydreams and Nightmares

Daydreams and Nightmares offers a variety of five shorter tales, perfect for those who enjoy a bit of darkness and a quick dive into the unknown.



Pete Thanos, is a man whose story is as diverse as the characters he's encountered in his favorite books. Born and bred in the vibrant city of Chicago, Pete's journey has been one filled with adventure and imagination. For 38 years, he tended to the fiery heart of industrial giants as a dedicated boiler operator, a testament to his hard work and commitment.

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But beyond the clang of machinery and the roar of steam, Pete found solace and wonder in the pages of literature. It was in 1977, amidst the buzz and excitement surrounding the release of "Star Wars," that Pete stood in line with his father, eagerly awaiting the magic of George Lucas's creation. Little did he know, that moment would ignite a lifelong passion for storytelling and the boundless realms of the imagination.

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It was within the fantastical worlds crafted by authors like Edgar Rice Burroughs that Pete found his greatest inspiration. From the daring adventures of Tarzan swinging through the vines to the epic battles on the crimson soil of Barsoom, Burroughs's tales fueled Pete's imagination and set him on a course of literary exploration.

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Now, with the wisdom of years behind him and the spirit of adventure still burning bright, Pete invites you to join him on a journey through the pages of his own imagination. From the towering skyscrapers of Chicago to the far reaches of distant galaxies, there's no telling where his next adventure might take you. So buckle up, dear reader, and prepare to embark on a voyage of discovery with Pete as your guide.


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From The Blog

The journey.

Meet Pete Thanos, a literary chameleon whose imagination knows no bounds. With a voracious appetite for storytelling across genres, Pete's love affair with the written word spans the gritty streets of crime dramas to the far-flung galaxies of science fiction and the chilling depths of horror.

In the shadowy realm of crime fiction, Pete finds himself drawn to the intricate webs of intrigue spun by masters like James Ellroy's "LA Confidential" and the epic saga of power and family in "The Godfather." Inspired by these titans of the genre, Pete weaves his own tapestry of deception and desire, set against the backdrop of the city he knows best: Chicago. From the ashes of forgotten buildings rises a vibrant, pulsating metropolis populated by a diverse cast of characters, each driven by their own insatiable appetites for money, drugs, and love. In Pete's world, the lines between good and bad blur, and the fearless clash with the feared in a dance of danger and desire.

So whether you're craving the adrenaline rush of a high-stakes thriller, the awe-inspiring wonder of a sci-fi epic, or the spine-tingling terror of a horror masterpiece, Pete Thanos has a story that will captivate and enthrall you from beginning to end.